Operating throughout the whole of England and Wales, our lawyers specialise in regulatory UK licensing law. We are a recognised leader in licensing law and deal with most types of statutory licensing, including alcohol sales, music, theatre, film, gambling, taxi and private hire vehicles, mobile homes, housing and street trading. We can help you through the process of submitting an application for a licence, represent you at a hearing or help you defend enforcement action.
Very few, if any, other UK licensing law firms cover the breadth of licensing work that we do. If you need help or advice from a specialist licensing solicitor, why not give us a call or contact us online? We are also on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. A period of free legal advice is offered to new clients by e-mail or through our online chat system.
For details of our fees, please see our fees page. Please note that we are unable to offer legal aid. Licensing Lawyers a trading name of Licensing & Safety Lawyers Ltd, a UK law practice authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.
Very few, if any, other UK licensing law firms cover the breadth of licensing work that we do. If you need help or advice from a specialist licensing solicitor, why not give us a call or contact us online? We are also on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. A period of free legal advice is offered to new clients by e-mail or through our online chat system.
For details of our fees, please see our fees page. Please note that we are unable to offer legal aid. Licensing Lawyers a trading name of Licensing & Safety Lawyers Ltd, a UK law practice authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.
In order to undertake certain activities in the UK, it is necessary to obtain some form of authorisation from the local Council.
There are a number of exemptions and in order to check that you are legal, it is sensible to obtain professional legal advice from a solicitor who is an expert in licensing law.
This involves placing a public notice in the press and at the premises: There are very specific requirements for advertising and it is important to get it right otherwise the application may be rejected or delayed.
There are a number of exemptions and in order to check that you are legal, it is sensible to obtain professional legal advice from a solicitor who is an expert in licensing law.
This involves placing a public notice in the press and at the premises: There are very specific requirements for advertising and it is important to get it right otherwise the application may be rejected or delayed.
If the police take the view that the sale of alcohol is taking place in a premises which is associated with serious crime and/or serious disorder, they can apply for an expedited (also called 'summary') review.
An expedited review takes place very quickly after it is applied for: Within 48 hours, the authority must give the licence holder a copy of the application and decide what steps, if any, it wishes to take.
These steps come into immediate effect and cannot be appealed, although the authority can be asked to reconsider them at a hearing.
An expedited review takes place very quickly after it is applied for: Within 48 hours, the authority must give the licence holder a copy of the application and decide what steps, if any, it wishes to take.
These steps come into immediate effect and cannot be appealed, although the authority can be asked to reconsider them at a hearing.
Licence Reviews are a way that an interested party or a Responsible Authority can ask the Council to place limitations on a licence that has already been issued in relation to alcohol sales, entertainment or gambling, to suspend it or to revoke it all together.
With alcohol sales, there is also the option of the expedited review.
If you are facing a review, you should obtain advice from a licensing solicitor as quickly as possible.
The process takes place in front of the Council's Licensing Sub-Committee, normally a panel of three elected councillors.
With alcohol sales, there is also the option of the expedited review.
If you are facing a review, you should obtain advice from a licensing solicitor as quickly as possible.
The process takes place in front of the Council's Licensing Sub-Committee, normally a panel of three elected councillors.
We act for licence holders who are faced with an expedited or full review, irrespective of whether or not we have assisted in obtaining the licence from the outset.
Our experience shows that is vitally important that you prepare properly for the hearing.
Once served with an application for a review, you have a period of 28 days in order to deal with any issues that have been raised and seek support, unless the application is for an expedited review.
The Council is obliged to put up a notice near or on your premises which explains that a review has been applied for and that anyone with an interest can comment on it.
Our experience shows that is vitally important that you prepare properly for the hearing.
Once served with an application for a review, you have a period of 28 days in order to deal with any issues that have been raised and seek support, unless the application is for an expedited review.
The Council is obliged to put up a notice near or on your premises which explains that a review has been applied for and that anyone with an interest can comment on it.
We are pleased to be the only firm that has been recommended by both the Residents Licensing Advice Association and the Licensing Act Residents Active Network and we represent residents or business owners who wish to object to a licence application or review an existing licence.
Reviewing a licence can be an effective way of dealing with problems that can occur at a licensed premsies, but we recommend that you always discuss the issue with the licence holder first.
In order to apply for a review, an application must be completed and sent to the Council as well as the licence holder.
Reviewing a licence can be an effective way of dealing with problems that can occur at a licensed premsies, but we recommend that you always discuss the issue with the licence holder first.
In order to apply for a review, an application must be completed and sent to the Council as well as the licence holder.
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