Ron Mackenna Defence Lawyers
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Ron Mackenna Defence Lawyers
I got a bundle of papers through the post with some court stuff on them and a date that I have to reply to. I got released from a police station with a pink form that I think they said was an undertaking. Formerly of Glasgow Defence Lawyers. It's still based at 19 Waterloo Street Glasgow. The same office Ron has worked from for years. It still has the same phone number and mobile.

And you will get the same quality personal service from Ron and his staff. Ron has over a decade's experience appearing in courts on a daily basis, and that is really a daily basis, conducting jury trials, summary trials, arranging pleas, defending people like you. Ron runs trials very week. And has done so for years. Phone him now. And remember this.

Glasgow Defence Lawyers have moved. If you phone them you won't get Ron Mackenna. Criminal law specialists, we represent people on every kind of matter from running a red light, to being charged with murder. It's not all about court. Remember this well-known legal phrase: "The trial starts at the police station".
Appearing before judges and in criminal courts every working day of life is a tough old school.
Ron Mackenna spent more than a decade doing just that, conducting jury trials and summary trials, appearing for pleas and in procedural hearings before deciding it was time to create his own firm.
Of course, friends asked if it was the right time.
Are you sure?
Legal Aid rates are static, prosecutions are falling, and the best defences in road traffic law are being squeezed all the time.
There's also a drive to make criminal law firms bigger.
Easy to deal with and straight and to the point.
We're in court representing someone every single working day here at Ron Mackenna Defence Lawyers.
Criminal law specialists, we represent people on every kind of matter from running a red light, to being charged with murder.
It's not all about court.
Remember this well-known legal phrase: "The trial starts at the police station".
Of course, it doesn't actually start in the police station, but what that means is that evidence is being gathered right from the earliest moment by the police.
If you ask for Ron Mackenna at the police station then the law says the police must contact him.
If you are being interviewed then we will give you professional advice and, if necessary be with you in the interview.
A suspect can be detained at a police station for 12 hours, and exceptionally for 24 hours while an allegation is investigated. the end of an interview - which rarely involve 12 hours in detention - a suspect can be charged an held in custody for court.
At the weekend that could be from Friday tim Monday.
Has a warrant been issued for you?
Did you fail to attend court?
Do the police want to speak to you?
Call Ron Mackenna now.
We live in a computer age where warrants can lie dormant for ages until a person is stopped for a minor road traffic offence.
Then bingo.
It's off to the cells.
Police knocking your door.
Your mum's door?
Dropping cards through the letterbox.
Phone Ron Mackenna now and we will speak to the police on your behalf and find out what it's about.
Ron Mackenna Defence Lawyers successfully defends the owner of a fish and chip shop in Oban who sleptwalk into his.
Courts like or not are not meant to be warm friendly places.
In Glasgow in particular they are exceptionally busy, delays for a variety of reasons are part and parcel of the whole process.
The courts have become tired with delays and if an accused is not present then the first reaction is not to go out and find out if there's some reason they haven't attended - it is often to issue a warrant to have the police bring them.
Even in the Justice Courts which are the lowest level of prosecution it is extremely common to see otherwise completely respectable people brought from the cells into the dock because they forgot to attend court for even minor matters like mobile phones and red lights.
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